SFEP Publications
Documents and Reports

San Francisco Estuary Blueprint
This newly updated document provides a framework for the protection and enhancement of our Estuary’s natural resources. This is the 2022 update to the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP).
2019 San Francisco Estuary Partnership Fact Sheet
A quick overview of the San Francisco Estuary and the Estuary Partnership, including a by-the-numbers snapshot.
San Francisco Estuary’s Management History
An in-depth look at the history and context of the CCMP, and how it fits in with other regional planning efforts since the 1970s. Special June 2016 Report by John Hart.

Estuary News has been in print since 1991, and within its pages you will find the history of efforts to restore, manage, and understand the ecology of, and human impacts on, the West Coast’s most urbanized estuary.

2019 State of the Estuary Report
The 2019 update to the State of San Francisco Estuary presents a science-based assessment of the health of San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary.
Previous State of the Estuary Reports
- State of the Estuary 2015
- State of the Estuary 2011
- State of the Estuary 2008: A Greener Shade of Blue?
- State of the Estuary 2006: Science and Stewardship
- State of the Estuary 2004: Changes & Challenges
- State of the Estuary 2002: Science and Strategies for Restoration
- State of the Estuary 1992-1997: Vital Statistics, New Science, Environmental Management
Previous Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans
Clean Boating Guides 2018
Available in English and Spanish
San Francisco Bay
San Joaquin & Sacramento River Delta
Note: Hard copies of various quantities of these maps are also available for free. Contact: Natasha Dunn
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