Priority Conservation Area Grant Program
Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) are spaces that provide important environmental and/or outdoor recreation benefits in the Bay Area. PCAs are identified and nominated through a locally driven process and designated by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). PCA designations and the PCA Grant Program support the goals of Plan Bay Area 2050, the adopted long-range regional plan for housing, the economy, transportation and the environment.
The PCA Grant Program – funded through the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) program and administered by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership – was initiated by MTC in collaboration with the State Coastal Conservancy. Since 2013, the PCA Grant Program has provided over $30 million to protect and enhance the region’s natural and agricultural lands, improve outdoor access and urban greening, and build regional climate resiliency across Bay Area communities.

2024 PCA Grants
In November 2024, MTC awarded a total of $8.5 million to 13 Bay Area organizations for PCA Grants that support long-term protection and enhancement of the region’s natural and agricultural lands and improve outdoor access and urban greening in Bay Area communities.
MTC anticipates releasing another PCA Grant Program Call for Projects for $8 million in 2025.