San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority

The Partnership and the State Coastal Conservancy jointly staff the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority, a critically important regional effort to enhance and protect wetlands and wildlife habitat in San Francisco Bay. The Authority was formed by the California Legislature in 2008, with a mission to raise and allocate resources for the restoration, enhancement, protection, and enjoyment of wetlands and wildlife habitat in San Francisco Bay and along its shoreline, and associated flood management and public access infrastructure.
After the Authority voted to place Measure AA, the San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure, on the June 7th, 2016, ballot, residents of the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area voted with a 70% majority to pass it. This measure is a $12 parcel tax, which will raise approximately $25 million annually, or $500 million over twenty years, to fund shoreline projects that will protect and restore the Bay.
The Authority is led by a Governing Board of seven representatives of local government, chaired by the Director of the Coastal Conservancy. An advisory board of private citizens, local stakeholders, and experts on Bay issues supports the Authority’s work.
Visit the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority website for more information, including guiding documents, Authority Board and Advisory Committee meeting schedules, and FAQs.

Restoration Authority board members

Restoration Authority staff