Clean Vessel Act Grant Info

Clean Vessel Act Grant Funding Pumpout/Dump Station Installation In 1992, Congress passed the Clean Vessel Act to help reduce pollution from vessel sewage discharges into U.S. waters. The Grant Program established by the Act will help fund the construction,...

Toxic Roads Replaced in Guadalupe Watershed

Just south of San Jose in the Guadalupe River watershed sits the former New Almaden Mining District, once the largest mercury mine in the United States. The mine ran from 1846 to 1975 and produced 5% of the world’s mercury. It also produced a sticky, brittle waste...

BAWN Archive

Bay Area Watershed Network Bay Area Watershed Network Watershed Groups Mapper Resources BAWN Archive Meeting Summaries and Materials   BAWN Annual Meeting – May 3, 2019 Agenda Nature in the City: Inspiring San Francisco to discover local nature – Laura...