
headshot of Will Geiken, Seagrant fellow


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Lilamarie Bowen

2024 California Sea Grant Fellow


Lila Bowen (she/her) is a 2024 California Sea Grant Fellow working with SFEP on the Priority Conservation Area grant program and supporting projects. She recently completed her M.S. in Natural Resources, Wildlife, from Cal Poly Humboldt where she studied the impacts of human disturbance on colonial nesting seabirds. Prior to beginning her Master’s, Lila earned a B.S. in Biology from Pacific University, Oregon, and went on to work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the coast, where she gained interest in wildlife conservation and human dimensions. Lila is especially excited to work with the Estuary Partnership for the opportunity to use technical mapping and analytical skills to support conservation and to gain and apply knowledge to prioritize equity in her work.